Howard Hsiung

Territory Business Development Manager, AWS

Howard 是 AWS 台灣網路及數位產業客戶經理,專注於娛樂與媒體產業。熱愛運動和與客戶建立長期、可信賴的夥伴關係。協助企業與新創客戶透過 AWS 服務發展雲端策略,增加服務安全、可用與敏捷性,加速創新的腳步,以最適化的方式達成商業目的!

Sessions by Howard Hsiung

Amazon GameLift Guilds for Front-End & Back-End Developers—Building a low-cost, high performance and flexibility multiplayer game with AWS

Day 1 (UTC+8) - 12:00 - 12:30
Language: Mandarin/Chinese

Firstly, the sharing will share about how game developers benefit from AWS in global scale. Furthermore, the Software Engineers from Amazon Game Studio based in Seattle will introduce specifically how they leverage Amazon GameLift technology in both front-end and back-end practice.

1.    AWS features and GameTech services general introduction 

2.    How game client and server work with Amazon GameLift

3.     Building scalable multiplayer game with AWS Solutions: Backend Architecture, Global Matchmaking and Region Deployment