Track 1
- This will direct you to TGDF_Official Twitch channel for Track 1 sessions.
2020 Taipei Game Developers Forum (TGDF) is almost here! TGDF is currently the largest professional conference for game developers in Taiwan. in 2019, our speaker line-up included developers from the teams that made critically-acclaimed games like Sky: Light Awaits, This War of Mine, The Witness and more. There were also dozens of domestic Taiwanese game developers sharing their experiences and know-hows during the event.
2020 TGDF is scheduled on July 11th - 12th, and will be delivered via Confirmed speakers for 2020 includes Stone Librande, Lead Designer at Riot Games; Lucien Chen, Level Designer at King; Meizi Yan, Substance specialist from Adobe, and about 30 more developers, internationally and domestically combined. We hope that despite the influences of the current pandemic, game developers can still come and learn from each other, and enjoy the 2-day Twitch stream together!
No matter you are students, indies or AAA developers, we sincerely welcome you to join us!
來自英國的Unity 全球內容講師Andy To...
今年TGDF幸運邀請到Adobe Substance 技術專家嚴美子,嚴美子專精於 3D Artist 以及 Substance 智慧 PBR 材質軟體十餘年,曾為騰訊、網易、字節、美商藝電、育碧等客戶提供 3D 美術材質智慧處理解決方案,她於 09 年開始創建更新 Substance ...
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